Portfolio Tag: working table

Solder mask for coocking hobs

Mask for manual welding with bearings and lever systems easy and fast to maneuver to fix the piece in the correct position prior to welding. As seen from the photos the dealer has the ability to rotate 90 ° in one direction and the other to allow the operator the possibility of working as comfortably...
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Infeed rotary table for assembly lines

Infeed rotary table for assembly lines: you can charge it with 4 steel unistandard baskets in order to stoke the assembly line in a continuous way, making the work becoming easier for the warehouse worker and increase fourfold the capacity of the line....
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Degreasing machine

Stainless steel tank, with a roller that goes up and down, connected to an air piston valve. On the roller (that in this picture is inside the tank) the little tanks made of nets and containing the parts, are settled. Once filled up, the roller goes up and down into a tank full of water...
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Rubber Winder

Plane winder for rubber, with automatic control of the speed of the rotation table. This winder is placed at the end of the extrusion line and leads to a correct and automatic windind of the cover reels and of the different types of seals...
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