Why to choose Salmec, products?
- Ability to collaborate and undertstand the costumers’ necessity: our technicians will cooperate with you and will make you take part at every step which is necessary for the product development.
- Ability to include more areas in the mechanical sector: the story and the products made until today confirm it clearly: exceptional flexibility, inventiveness and efficiency are just three of our main characteristics.
- High level carpentry: our welder technicians have a lot of experience. This leads to top quality finishings and respect for the tolerance of the project even in high dimensions products.
- Top after-sales service: once the product is installed, salmec continues its partnership with a maintenance service available in 24 hours depending on the type of problem.
- Long lasting search for news in favour of costumers: from the special machine to balustrade for the construction industry, salmec is always searching for the market news in order to offer an avant-garde product always.
- We offer original contributions in overcoming some difficulties in the technological problems.