Working results can be very satisfying, despite all the efforts done in thier development. Efforts can be physical, recurring, dirty and sometimes boring too.
SALMEC wants to reduce, and even eliminate, theese kind of efforts which are necessary to the realization of goals. With technical expedients, dedicated equipments, automations, performance controls and original solutions, every problem is overtaken. The permanent feature is the searching for the best result with the less effort, the less environmental impact and the less energy consuption. This is our MISSION
Overcoming efforts makes our job a passion. This is the key of our commitment.
Our team is paticularly motivated to reach the targets established. We move things with the importance they deserve. The salmec philosophy wants to develope partnerships with its costumers in order to improve the production with elevated quality standards, even for those performances which are guaranteed time after time: this is our VISION